KCARC VHF Net Operator Script

Good Evening to all Hams and Scanner listeners, welcome to the Kings County Amateur Radio Club VHF Net for [date (April 3rd, 2023)].

This is [name], [call-sign phonetics], net controller for the Kings County Amateur Radio Club Net.

This is an open Net which meets every Monday night at 7 PM local, on the VE1AEH Repeater (147.180 MHz).

I will be using the club call-sign, VE1LD (phonetics), in honour of long time club member and now silent key, Wes Veale.

BREAK to reset timer on repeater

The Club may be contacted by going to our website at KCARC.CA and clicking on the “Contact Us” tab.

The Club presently meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Valley Search And Rescue Building located at 177 Middle Dyke Rd, Kentville. Start time is 7:30 PM. Drop in for some chatter and educational presentations.

Our next presenter is [to be determined] who will be doing a session on [to be determined]. Our
next meeting is [check schedule], so mark your calendar and I hope to see you all there!

BREAK to reset timer on repeater

When the Net is opened, please come slowly and phonetically and I will stop at approximately 5 calls per invite. When you are called into the net, please tell us your first name, rough location and what is going on in your world.

This may be a good time to ask a question that can drum up conversation

– Is anyone following the DX-pedition to [insert place here], did you make a contact?
– Operating preferences? VHF/UHF/HF/moon bounce/etc.

[name, call-sign phonetics], will be my backup controller in case my station goes down unexpectedly. [name] also logs the contacts for us and has been posting them on our Facebook page.

Now, without any further delay, is there any priority traffic?

BREAK to allow traffic

Are there any club or other announcements for the net?

BREAK to allow traffic

– You may make announcements of local radio events (flea markets, symposiums, etc) if necessary

Are there any portables, low power, time sensitive or mobile stations wishing to check in?

BREAK to allow traffic

Are there any EchoLink stations wishing to Check in?

BREAK to allow traffic

I now will open the net to regular check-ins. Please come now…

BREAK to allow traffic

– Relax, there are going to be callers, potentially many, and over each other.
– Just grab what you can out of the noise. Don’t be afraid, ask them to repeat their call-sign if you only caught part of it.

This is where you will be repeating the call for check-ins as you work through the list of radio operators. Towards the end of the net when things settle down, make a few calls similar to those below.

This will be the second last call for check-ins to the Kings County Amateur Radio Club VHF net.

This will be the final call for check-ins to the Kings County Amateur Radio Club VHF net.

Final transmission for the net operator

The time is now [time]. I now declare the net closed. We had [#] of check-ins tonight. Thanks to all the radio operators for checking in and to those who maintain the repeater for our use. 73 to all, goodnight.

This is VE1LD (phonetically) returning the repeater to normal use.