JANUARY 21, 1969
The KCARC as it is presently known dates its beginnings back to January 21, 1969, when a group of 12 local amateurs (Appendix A) grouped together to form a club. The club has survived until the present time, due to the dedication and efforts of about 12 to 15 members who attend meetings regularly, raise funds, vote on matters of interest and assist the officers they elect. The following Appendices are at the end:
- Founding Members
- Presidents 1969‑2000
- Vice‑Presidents 1969‑2000
- Secretary and / or Treasurer 1969‑2000
- Brasspounders Award Winners
This history was derived from such minutes as were available and as such, possible errors and omissions may be present If you the reader are aware of such errors and or omissions contact the club and future revisions can be more correct.
The first meeting was held on January 21, 1969, Ed Smith, VE1ABT chaired the meeting, Paul Robinson, VE1AVD acted as secretary. A decision was reached to form a club. A club station to apply for the call VE1EMO, meetings to be 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, later changed to be 19:30 hours local time, 2nd and 4th Thursday. Dues were set at 25 cents per meeting.
At a meeting in February, constitution was discussed.
The March meeting set up a “CW” contest for the month of April, No of Countries X No of Contacts. April, 1969, saw New Minas School proposed and eventually become the place for club meetings.
The April 1969 meeting entertained a suggestion for a trophy for the ACW@ contest as won by Brian Sutherland. Plans for the Club’s first Field Day were discussed.
June, 1969, saw receipt of the licence VE1EMO, 10 members active at Field Day, 228 contacts X countries, 2126 points, outstanding contacts were KH6WO/6 and 5H3MA.
September, 1969, erection of an 80 meter dipole, 15 candidates for a course.
The first Annual Meeting was held April 9, 1970, and a new slate of officers was elected, a publicity committee was operational, Field Day planned. Meetings in homes tried with limited success and then discontinued. Old Home Week station was a success. Two meter gear was being discussed, and also a second ham course.
The year 1971, another executive, the first YL to pass the Club’s radio course, Sheila Pulsifier, VE1AGQ, and she became Secretary-Treasurer for a time. A third course was started in November 1971.
The period between April 12, 1972, and January 24, 1973, was evidently a slow time for the club, no minutes or records of meetings appear to be available.
The January 24, 1973, meeting elected another executive and a March, 1973meeting approved the EMO Zone Office as the place for future Club meetings.
April 4, 1974, ushered in another new slate of officers and discussions to reorganize the Club. The February 3, 1975 meeting saw minor changes to the executive.
A joint social meeting with the Annapolis Valley Amateur Radio Club was held.
The Brasspounders Trophy, constructed by John Andersen, VE1AGY (VE1JW) was first awarded in May, 1975, to Frank Redden, VE1BBU (VE1GG).
The period between May, 1975, and March, 1977, lacks minutes and records. March 22, 1977, a new executive, discussion on leasing a site for a repeater. April, 1977, a repeater site lease is signed. May, 1977, a tower purchased and some repeater hardware. October, 1977, Wally Barnes, VE1PP to run a Sunday evening net on the repeater VE1AEH. A November auction raised $138.55. The December 5, 1977 meeting had a motion to review and up-date the By-Laws.
February 6, 1978, the club toured the facilities of AVR our local radio station, courtesy of their engineer Dave Morrison VE1UJ. The March 13, 1978 meeting changed some faces on the executive, an auction netted the Club $196.50 in new funds.
April,1978, the club purchased the repeater equipment from NSARA and agreed to a change of frequencies.
This was the year the club sponsored Wally Keddy, VE1BJF, a paraplegic at Palmeters Country Home and procured for him an HW202, 2 Meter rig. A July auction earned the Club an additional $154.25 and a new class proposed for September.
The records for September 1978 have not surfaced. The minutes of the November 07, 1978 meeting relates that the restless repeater could be moving to Swindells Knob pending negotiations with the CBC. Harold, VE1AQP to have talks with the corporation.
A meeting on December 04, 1978 saw 11 members in attendance, the establishment of a visitation committee re sick members. A letter to be forwarded to the CBC.
The January 09, 1979 meeting has 12 members present, letter has been forwarded to the CBC, no reply as yet. Dave, VE1UJ suggests contacting Don Bower regarding the proposed frequency change.
February 06,1979 we learn that the CBC will entertain the possibility of our repeater and antenna being installed at their Middleton site. Brian Garnet, VE1BNO is elected President, Harold Robinson, VE1AFR becomes Vice-President and the position of Secretary‑Treasurer remains vacant for the time. Repeater group to be composed of Brian Garnet, VE1BNO; Bob Farris, VE1ASL; Ken Stratten, VE1QP. What do we find 11 members doing for the March 07, 1979 meeting , well they are touring the AV Centre at Acadia University, thanks to arrangements by Gary Boates. Repeater is off frequency.
We have Dick Pulsifier, VE1ASD acting as the secretary for the April 03,1979 meeting.
Club purchases VHF generator for $50.00. Dave, VE1UJ, proposes that the Club provide safety communications for an equestrian event at Hobby Horse Farm July 08, 1979 definite commitment, but it was the general feeling that members would participate. John, VE1JW, to have the names of the winners of the Brasspounders Award engraved and updated on the trophy. Scoring per a motion passed at the meeting to be, number of contacts X number of countries. Bob,VE1ASL, to head the Field Day Committee. The course class progressing satisfactorily, 13 enrolled and the exam to be written May 09,1979. The Club had a guest speaker on EMO for the May 01, 1979 meeting as attended by nine members. A CW award to go to VE1BEP (VE1MT); we assume this to be the Brasspounders Award. The lease on repeater site up for renewal in June Plans in the works for a 12 volt supply at the repeater for use in emergencies.
The number was down to 7 for the June 05,1979 meeting, Field Day group discussed the possible use of land belonging to John, VE1JW. Back‑up power supply for the repeater still under consideration but; as a repeater move is in the offing, it remains in limbo. Tom Allen of EMO given a desk plaque an expression of thanks for his work on behalf of he Club. September 10, 1979 has the Club meet at EMO HQ in Kentville. Dave Morrison, VE1UJ, Chairman, Frank Redden, VE1GG, Secretary. 18 members present. Wes Veale, VE1LD; Lysle Anderson, VE1BZE Gary Lloyd, VE1BZD, (VE1JB); Norm Barton, VE1BZC; were accepted as new members. Norm, VE1BZC was nominated as Secretary‑Treasurer, and on a motion was approved.
Discussion held re the proposed repeater change to the CBC tower on Swindell’s Knob.
Changes and adjustment are to be made to the cavities. Dave, VE1UJ, agreed to handle the said changes. October 01,1979 saw 15 members meet at EMO, HQ in Kentville. Club advised that the CBC site is on hold pending results of tests in December.
Frequency changes and improvements to voice quality to proceed.
Thor Manson, VE1BPC, accepted as a new member. A social do set for the evening of October 26. November 05,1979, finds 14 members and guest Gary Darris, VE1AV gathered for a meeting. October social do a success and thanks to the committee for their efforts. Gail Barton, VE1BJL; and Paul Goulden, VE1CAD; were installed as new members.
December 03, 1979 finds 15 members tending to housekeeping items and analyzing ways and means of increasing members and other matters of interest. Rod Smith, VE1ALP,Vice‑President of NSARA and Treasurer of the Truro Club was noted as being the guest speaker at the January 07, 1980 meeting of 16 members. Rod commented on membership, programs, special events and repeater antennas.
Shelving has been installed , painted and EMO HQ will see a library for KCARC, some test also equipment installed. A push is on to finalize installation of the antennas on the CBC tower if possible.
The annual meeting for the Club took place February 04,1980, at EMO, HQ in Kentville, 16 members present. Dave, VE1UJ, reports that any move to the CBC tower will be out of question due to an insurmountable list of regulations etc, as wanted by the CBC.
Norm Barton, VE1BZC elected President, the position of the Vice‑President to be filled by Brian Garnet, VE1BNO, the Secretary‑Treasurer to be Paul Goulden, VE1CAD. The Club at the March 03,1980 meeting, 12 members present, expressed their thanks to Dave, VE1UJ, and Clive Bagley, VE1AMZ for their time and efforts re the repairs to the repeater and frequency changes. Mr. Bagley of Maryland, USA, owner of property; advised via a phone call with Club President Norm Barton,VE1BZC that we were on site until the summer of 1981, subject to a two months notice, to remove our repeater and equipment. Rent $50.00 in US funds.
Philip Long and Richard Kirk were guests at the April 07,1980 meeting of 11 club members of the 43 members noted in a report made last month. A club scrap book started some months ago was circulated. Peter, VE1BHH to have back surgery in Ontario in the month of May. Tom Allen of EMO gave a talk and demonstration on map reading. Richard Kirk was accepted as a new member at the May 05, 1980 meeting. There were 17 members present and word was that Peter, VE1BHH may be home by August in a body cast for a time. Dave, VE1UJ resigns as a club member. Layton, VE1BEP (VE1MT) working on plans for emergency power for the repeater site. Slim, VE1BLH becomes a silent key as noted in the minutes of the June 02, 1980 meeting. A new antenna installed at repeater site, compliments of the efforts of Gary, VE1BZD (VE1JB); Harold, VE1AFR; ED,VE1AVD; Dave, VE1BBW; Layton VE1BEP (VE1MT); Bob, VE1ASL; Norm, VE1BZC and Earl Sheffield Jr. Initial reports are favourable, emergency power plans are shelved in order to better evaluate the repeater performance. Don Eagles gave a slide presentation on South East Asian countries. The September 08, 1980 meeting has 14members reviewing events of the summer and getting updates. They learn that Peter, VE1BHH has had his surgery and is convalescing in Brantford, Ontario. Dave, VE1BBW to run a mini course for the Advanced Amateur Exam, starting on September 09,1980. Ken Crookshank, VE1CCV is accepted as a new member. We are into the fall of 1980 with the regular meeting of 12 member on October 06, 1980. Frank, VE1GG resigns as the net controller and after discussion it is decided the 2 METER net take the form of a Round Table format, for a trial period. Ken Carter, VE1APG and Wally, VE1BJF hospitalized in Halifax. Spud Roscoe, VE1BC has been providing material for the Club newsletter.
A meeting on November 3, 1980, saw the dues raised to 10.00 for the 1981 year. A review of the constitution was started. Randy, VE1SAT, gave a talk on AMSAT at the December meeting.
A new constitution was adopted at the January 5, 1981, club meeting. Gary Lloyd, VE1BZD, (VE1JB) won a draw for 1980 Call Books. Emergency power for the repeater site was a topic of discussion. Another vacuum in the records occurs between February 2, 1981, and April,1986 prevents summarizing the Club’s activities for this period. Minutes were available for the meeting of May 05, 1986 at EMO, HQ in Kentville, NS.
The guest speaker for the meeting was Daniel Brehaut, introduced and thanked by Lysle,VE1BZE, for his talk and slide presentation on Hospital Laboratory procedures. Club approves registration under the Nova Scotia Societies Act. The 2 METER net to shut in the summer.
Two club members brought fame to their calls and themselves, Wes Veale, VE1LD and Borden MacKenzie, VE1BXI (VE1BE), on being the first North American amateurs to work BY1PK, China.
October, 1986, saw the treasurer authorized to pay housekeeping bills and the Club registered under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia.
The future role of the Club in the event of an emergency was again reviewed.
At some time in 1986 the repeater was moved from Blomidon to the RCMP tower on Canaan Mountain. The success of this move was no doubt limited by the ever presentequipment and related problems. The fall of 1987 saw the repeater, “On The Road Again”, this time moving to the AVR north mountain site.
The September 1987 meeting handled a motion to buy a new repeater costing $2000.00.
This motion was approved at the October 5, 1987, meeting. It was also suggested that the repeater site go back to, or near the old site at Blomidon.
Early in 1987 the position of Secretary‑Treasurer became two separate positions, Secretary and Treasurer. A meeting held November 2, 1987, changed the time of holding the Brasspounders Award contest to the month of February.
Bob Burns, VE1VCK offered the club the use of a 50 watt repeater in December 1987.
This equipment was installed and made an improvement in the facility. The old equipment to be repaired and the linking equipment upgraded and re‑installed. Borden MacKenzie, VE1BE, and the people he had assist him at the time of all these changes are to be commended for their efforts. Especially, Layton, VE1MT. February, 1988, saw Borden MacKenzie VE1BE, win the Brasspounders Award and replace Norm Barton,VE1BZC, as the EMO representative to the county.
Club dues were now raised to $30.00, some difference from the original 25 cents per meeting. One must, however, keep in mind the cost of the equipment, maintenance, site rental, insurance, electricity etc.
Lysle Anderson, VE1BZE, donated a metal building to house the repeater equipment. Phil Long, VE1CFQ, provided the mean moving this building to the repeater site. Bob Burns.VE1VCK, was made an Honorary Member in thanks for all of his assistance with the repeater repairs. The refurbished repeater was re‑installed in September, 1988.
VE1BZC replaced VE1BE as EMO liaison. October 1988, various members made interest free loans for the acquisition of the new repeater equipment.
The Club has provided radio communication coverage for a number of clubs and associations, to mention a few, The Valley Four Wheelers , Hobby Horse Farms, several of the Riding Clubs and Pony Clubs, Boy Scouts JOTA contests.
The month of March, 1989, saw the new repeater installed and the first Coffee‑Shop Get together or Saturday morning breakfast take place at the Irving Truck Stop in NewMinas. March of 1989 also welcomed the following new Hams to the Club Robert Barton, VE1NRB; Al Bishop, VE1MDD; Reg MacDonald, VE1RGM. Layton, VE1MT presided over the April 03, 1989 meeting with the following as guests: Buzz Everett, KI6SO; Gordon Campbell, Bruce Hemming, Ada Murphy, VE1WNS; Ken Bellefontaine, Wayne Lintaman, VE1WDL; (VA1WL) and in due course they were accepted as new members.
Professor Glen Tillotson gave an informative illustrated lecture on the history and role of transistors in the field of electronics.
The May 01, 1989 meeting welcomed Andrew Bowlby N9HFV as a guest. Later in the month, Andrew exchanged N9HFV for VE1HFV after passing the Advanced Amateur Qualification Exam in Halifax. He held that call until February 1998 then exchanged it for VE1EX. Andrew was VE1HFV when he first joined the KCARC.
What can we say; repeater problems, repairs and changes are still ongoing.
September, 1989, saw the Club’s participation in an emergency situation in the County.
The emergency situation was the result of a tanker truck heading south from the No 1 Highway near the Central Kings High School. The vehicle partially upset after leaving the No 1 Highway proceeding south. The loss of some of the Hazardous Materials being transported initiate an EMO callout. Fire Departments were on scene. Red Cross activated their plan for relocation of area residents. The highway and by‑ways were closed. Other various agencies and organizations were put on alert or standby from about 1700 to 2100 hours local time.
Dr. Roy Bishop of Acadia University gave an illustrated talk on the history of the telescope.
November 06, 1989 is the meeting whereby we learn that the repeater will be off the air or some time due to the identifier causing the repeater to lock on.
Two more tower sections are to be installed at the repeater site as reported by the December 1989 meeting.
Layton, VE1MT and Moe, VE1AEM will form the Nominating Committee to report to the Annual Meeting in February, 1990.
The evening program was an informative program on Packet Radio and a demonstration of same; as presented by Geoff Smith, VE1GRS, Lance Peterson, VE1Cl; and Lewis Churchill, VE1BQR, (now a SK).
Spring of 1990 saw the Greenwood Club install a packet digipeater at the Club’s repeater site. Reg MacDonald, VE1RGM, a first year amateur won the Brasspounders Award for the year. The Club took part in the province‑wide EMO exercise held May 9th and 10th and from all reports did well.
September, 1990, autopatch for the repeater was proposed and a motion re club caps, jackets, crests was moved. November, 1990, saw the following amateurs from the clubbecome designated examiners:
VE1XBC Steve Boone
VE1NK George Brien
VE1BZC Norm Barton
VE1MT Layton Fulton
VE1CFQ Phil Long
December, 1990, the Club has an auto patch up and running. The repeater has repair problems as always. October, 1991, the Club purchases the digipeater. Many members of the Club are getting interested in Packet.
February, 1992, crests and jackets are on the menu again, and a committee has been formed to successfully complete this on‑going concern of the membership. June, 1992 has repeater changes on the menu, possible site, tower, building and wiring changes to clean up and streamline the installation.
We left you around June of 1992 with the first installment of the Kings County Amateur Radio Club History. We shall refer to the organization as either KCARC or the Club.
September of 1992 saw meetings resume, 15 members in attendance. A Basic Course under the direction of Ken Stratton, VE1QP gets underway with 15 signed up and ready to go. Jackets, crests and caps are still an active topic.
A committee composed of the following: Brian Garnet, VE1BNO; Buzz Everett, KI6SO/VE1; and Layton Fulton, VE1MT; has been set up to explore and research a new and hopefully a permanent site for our ever roaming repeater.
Present were 14, October, 1992, Basic Course has a total of 19 enrolled, jackets etc, still a topic of discussion. John Anderson, VE1JW is given a Honorary Life Membership.
Lysle Anderson, VE1BZE: spoke to members on the problem of obtaining sufficient operators to successfully and with safety carry out the public service events, that the Club becomes involved in. Moe Brehaut, VE1AEM; proposed an Emergency Committee meeting be called to deal with the problem.
Packet frequency has been changed to 145.010. It has been noted that Packet is affecting the voice repeater. Ted Gervais, VE1DRG; offered to buy the crystals; if the Club could have same installed.
A possible repeater site change to Canaan Mountain is proposed.
The second last month of the year, November 02, 1992, members numbering 13 gather for information and updates Latecomers to the Basic Course require assistance andBuzz, KI6SO/VE1; has volunteered to assist them.
We have new prices on jackets et al.
Basic Jacket + 4″ Crest $32.00
Name on sleeve 4.00
Call on sleeve 4.00
Call on back, 2″ letters 2.00/letter
Cap with crest 8.00
Repeater voice identifier to be changed, removing the 73 and substituting “Blomindon”.Norm Barton, VE1BZC resigned as the Club’s representive for EMO exercises.
Packet Group voted to accept Ted, VE1DRG’s offer to buy new crystals.
The meeting in December 1992, 11 in attendance, finds December 15 set as the exam date for those in the Basic Course. Phil Long, VE1CFQ (VE1WT) and Norm Barton,VE1BZC to be the monitors.
Moe Brehaut, VE1AEM agrees to be interim representative to EMO, and also gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of George Brien, VE1NK. Bob DeGrace, VE1BLH agrees to represent the Club at the restructured NSARA. Discussion was held re activities that might be of interest to the female and younger members of the Club.
WOW! Did member numbers jump for the January 04, 1993 meeting, a total of 26.
Repeater ID has been changed and the Packet frequency is now 145.090 and the Club has $557.71 in cash. TIMES ARE IMPROVING. Ken, VE1QP gave a report on Club activities during IDW week. Norm, VE1BZC to resume position as Club representative to the County EMO. XYLs, YLs and friend are invited to participate in the Saturday morning Break‑ fast / Coffee at the Big Stop. The new Nominating Committee to be Bob, VE1BLH; Sam, VE1SAM and Lysle, VE1BZE. Students pay $30.00 for the CW course.
February 01, 1993, saw 31 members in attendance and the goodly sum of $844.75 in cash. The new officers to be:
President Brian Garnet VE1BNO
Vice‑President Buzz Everett KI6SO/VE1
Secretary Robert Selfridge VE1RAD
Treasurer Moe Brehaut VE1AEM
IDW week to run February 1 ‑ 7. The group in the code class are at 10 wpm. Robin O’Hara has requested assistance for Guides On The Air, (GOTA).
The Club proposes with the approval of DOC to offer exams on the third Saturday of each month. A Packet interest group is proposed.
There seems to be one of those blanks for the month of March, 1993.
We seem to be on a ROLL as far as attendance and the retention of cash on hand. The April 05, 1993 meeting finds 22 members and cash of $1,274.65. Layton, VE1MT reports there are five graduates from the Amateur Exam.
Ken Stratton, VE1QP and Moe Brehaut, VE1AEM have been qualified as examiners. Peter Mullen, VE1PWM volunteers as technical person for Packet problems.
The Club approved the granting of an annual award for Kings County Science Fair. It was decided to remove the voice ID and to replace it with a CW ID. George Brien, VE1NK won the February Brasspounders Award, 21900 points.
Annual picnic to be held June 07 at the Research Station. A Packet Group was created consisting of the following members: Paula, VE1PCW; George, VE1GMG; Norm, 1BZC; Phil, VE1WT; Peter, VE1PWM; Ken, VE1QP; Layton, VE1MT; Brian,VE1BNO; Bob, VE1RAD.
John Garnet, VE1REX gave a talk on his science project on power supplies.
A meeting taking place on May 03, 1993 has 15 in attendance. Peter, VE1PWM has contacted someone in the Boston area re a seminar in our area on SSTV. Repeater ID is still a problem and the picnic area at the Research Station has been booked by Layton, VE1MT for the Annual Family Picnic in June. Items are being solicited for a newsletter.
A number of members to Halifax, May 08 for a Packet Seminar.
The Packet repeater mode is functioning poorly. Layton, VE1MT reports four have successfully obtained 12 WPM CW and are Mike Wood, VE1MAW; Peter Mullen,VE1PWM; Paula Williams, VE1PCW; George Gamble, VE1GMG (SK)
A remote possibility of obtaining clubroom facilities at the Miller Hospital is to be checked.
The executive is asked to explore avenues for repairs to the repeater. John Garnet, VE1REX moved a motion to have the Club explore the option of surrendering control of the Packet operations to Ted, VE1DRG and the Packet Group. Seconded by Norm, VE1BZC and carried.
A September 13, 1993 meeting has 22 members in attendance. Peter, VE1PWM gave a talk on SSTV and will have a video for the next meeting. Ken, VE1QP is considering offering a new Basic Course. Evangeline Middle School has applied for a licence.
Lorne, VE1BXK has made repairs to the repeater and the improvements are apparent.
The Packet is still causing interference with the voice machine and our link still has problems. Equipment from NSPC to be available in October.
The meeting held October 04, 1993 finds 23 members present. Ken, VE1QP will not be available to teach a course. George, VE1NK and Layton, VE1MT agree to do the code, Brian, VE1BNO and John, VE1REX offer to do the technical.
GUESS WHAT ?? The repeater MAY??? have found a home.
Executive reports a new site, $600.00 a year rental, site preparation to cost $2000.00 to get building and tower on site. Club voted approval to proceed.
A three phase plan was proposed to upgrade the repeater.
Phase 1: 80 foot commercial tower, 8 x 8 building to be located 30 feet from present site.
Phase 2: Micro processor controller, new VHF link radio, cost $5000.00.
Phase 3: Four TNCs, two VHF radios, two UHF radios, antenna and duplexers, cost $3000.00.
Financing would be:
100 donations of $20.00 for six months.
Cost sharing with EMO and Kings County, $3000.00.
Fees from courses $1000.00.
Moved by Dave Gillis, VE1GLS, seconded by Buzz Everett, KI6SO/VE1, and carried. That the KCARC make a commitment in principle to do the three phase project over the next three years.
A further meeting to be held at the QTH of Moe, VE1AEM on October 26, 1993, 2000 hours local.
JOTA this fall is held in the Lakeville Community Centre, the dates being October 16 and 17, 1993.
Letters of thanks to Lorne, VE1BXK and Bob, VE1VCK for assistance with the repairs to the repeater.
November 01, 1993 finds 22 members gathered, a Basic Course started on the Thursday prior, cost per person to be $45.00 for the theory and $15.00 for the code. Per family the rate to be $75.00. Robert Moore became a new member. Brian, VE1BNO offered to be Club representive to the NSARA. Steve, VE1XBC offered to be the judge at the Science Fair
New Nominating Committee to be George, VE1GMG; Peter, VE1PWM; Andrew,VE1XTC; Layton, VE1MT and Brian,VE1BNO.
JOTA a success as per a report by Buzz, KI6SO/VE1; 8 operators, 37 contacts, Dave MacDonald, VE1DAM and his wife Carol as always provided nice meals.
A total of 17 gather for the December 06, 1993 meeting and approve a $25.00 cash prize for the Science Fair.
Mike, VE1MAW offers to take over the CW instruction part of the Basic Course. EMO has been discussing access to the lands of the Indian Band and a need for a Mobile Command Center. The Packet radio has been replaced by an Alinco DR1200 T. A discussion was held re the Club acquiring test equipment to facilitate the repairing of our equipment. After much discussion and debate it was moved, seconded and passed. That the Club send equipment to be repaired professionally and immediately.
Andrew, VE1XTC has offered paint for the inside of the new building.
Phase 1 Report indicates, cement base poured, site prepared for new building and tower.
The 14 members gathered for the January 03, 1994 meeting learn that the Club has a station licence, VE1EMO; and that the new building will not be on site until the weather improves. The County and EMO have not as yet indicated if they can and will assist in funding our repeater project. A new Packet radio has been installed.
The new year sees Brian Garnet, VE1BNO, President; Peter Mullen, VE1PCW; Vice‑President; Paula Williams, VE1PCW; Secretary and Harold Porter, VE1AQP, Treasurer.
Minutes and other information are not available. The Treasurer report shows a cash balance on hand of $1,892.67. The Fund Drive has realized $2,500.00 to‑date. The Club received donations in memory of Bob Chambers, VE1DO and Bob Degrace, VE1BLH.
Old Man Winter and bad weather continues to impede progress at the new site, tower, building and repeater moves are still on hold. The temporary antenna is still operative, Packet (and where have we heard this before) still has problems. Moe, VE1AEM to investigate.
VE1AEM raised the following issues for the executive.
Have extra Basic Course Manuals on hand for sale or rent
Have machine shop work done on the bottom section of tower now.
Have all guy wires checked, so when conditions are suitable, everthing will be ready.
Appoint a committee responsible for the tower move.
Appoint a committee responsible for the Packet move.
Develop a plan of action for such move, check and service all antennas and decide; which will be on the new tower.
Consider attaching executive meeting minutes to the regular minutes.
Adopt a resolution for the borrowing of funds.
Brasspounders Awards, both the regular and the one for new Amateurs won by Mike Wood, VE1MAW.
Seventeen members showed up for the April 04, 1994 regular meeting. It was again stated that the Brasspounders Award; pursuant to the wishes of John Anderson, VE1JW; who started the award. The trophy to be available to all interested participants KCARC members or not.
Three new Amateurs: Bob Rushston, VE1YOT; Lois Gillis, VE1LOS and Rebecca Garnet, VE1QSO are welcomed.
Project update informs members that the cost sharing funds have been made available by the County and EMO.
The tower will be installed by a company qualified to perform the task. Purchase orders for equipment have been issued. The ball base for the tower has been recovered from its previous Stronach Mountain site. This compliments of Layton, VE1MT and Moe, VE1AEM.
Brian, VE1BNO offered the Club a commercial grade MYCOR Motorola repeater unit, with Sinclair Duplexers, a linear amp, power supply and phone patch; in exchange for present repeater. Club to retain the Palomar AC700 controller. Club in agreement, subject to the said commercial repeater to be in proper working condition.
Lorne, VE1BXK to give a talk, April 11 at EMO Headquarters on Packet/Repeater developments. Church,VE1CHR expressed concerns re problems accessing Packet. He asked if it was a problem with the EPROM. Buzz, KI6SO/VE1 suggested that our very short‑lived Diamond Antenna be returned for warranty? KCARC to assist the Hants group by contributing an antenna. There was group consensus to a suggestion by Layton, VE1MT, that the voice repeater be given priority as to antenna placement.
The yearly picnic scheduled for June. Moe 2, VE1AMO moved a vote of thanks to Brian, VE1BNO for his efforts on the upgrade project.
In May the Club was advised that Corrine and Heather Cameron had received the Science Award. May 02, 1994 saw 19 members attending the monthly meeting
Building is now on the new site, secured to a concrete pad, interior rough framed. May 13 could see the tower go up. New controller on order from Palomar, California. The MYCOR is on hand and the crystals have been ordered Layton, VE1MT and George, VE1GWG head up a work part to complete the interior of the building. Lysle, VE1BZE to be the contact person for problems with the automatic equipment. Dave, VE1GLS heads up a committee of the following: Steve, VE1XBC; Layton, VE1MT; Buzz, KI6SO/VE1 to handle technical problems with the repeater equipment if any (HI HI ??).
The antenna harnesses will have to be replaced at a cost of $295.00 US per 4 elements. Packet antenna also needs to be replaced. SO WHAT IS NEW ? Discussion is held re a rental agreement for the site, tuning the MYCOR, and a need for $3000.00 loan for interim financing.
Natasha Garnet, VE1QRM a club member is voted the sum of $100.00 for travel expenses to Science Fair, Guelph, Ontario. The June picnic is the June meeting and a good time for the Club families.
Well! There are some glad tidings and some not so glad tidings to take us into the September 12, 1994 meeting with 21 present. Natasha, VE1QRM returned from the Science Fair, Guelph, Ontario, with a Gold Medal in Engineering. Steve, VE1XBC details the changes to the phone patch and link systems. The Club learns that only 50% of the funds, re cost sharing are forthcoming. Ron, VE1MRB donated a 20 amp power supply to the project Steve, VE1XBC and Dave, VE1GLS were thanked for their many hours of project work. JOTA to be a go on October 14, and 15. Needed are 16 volunteers. A Basic Course discussed.
We find 14 members gathered for the October 02, 1994 meeting. The loan balance has been reduced to $1300.00. Phone patch on site and operating on the Canning Exchange, it is full duplex and results are good. Link is being fine tuned. We now need emergency power, speed dial and service manuals for the equipment. Moe, VE1AEM resigns as a Volunteer Examiner.
The 12 members gathered for the November 07, 1994 meeting are advised that the Basic Course has 12 enrolled and proceeding well. JOTA a success. Layton, VE1MT to prepare a newsletter on the repeater upgrade project. A new Nominating Committee for selection and search for officers, Buzz, KI6SO/VE1; Jacob, VE1JAH; Brad, VE1CI; Ken, VE1SG. We seem to draw another one of those blanks as to what took place in December 1994.
A New Year, 1995 and we see four new members for the Club at the January 09, 1995 meeting. We shall see their names and calls many times in future affairs of the Club.
They are: John Bickerton, VE1ATT; Rick Jones, VE1AMI; Jennifer Wright, VE1JEN and Dolan Freeman, VE1DEF.
A long time active member WES Veale, VE1LD in hospital with continuing health problems. Wes and Borden won fame as being the first Amateurs in North America to make contact with China; as noted in the first edition and in the early sections of this revision.
Another year a new slate of officers for February 06,1995 Annual Meeting. There are 25 present and two more new members, George Comstock, VE1GWC and Ken Hassell, VE1HAS.
The new officers are: President; Ron Blakie, VE1MRB; Vice‑President; Lysle Anderson, VE1BZE; Secretary; Paula Williams, VE1PCW; Treasurer; Harold Porter, VE1AQP.
The SAGA never ends, Steve, VE1XBC reports problems. It seems that our REPEATER is forever roaming the hills and roads or is ill. We now have a problem with the controller, poor technical support, software insufficiencies. The problem has been ongoing, warranty is running out. Repeater Group to meet and plan a course of action with the US supplier.
We see George Brien, VE1NK take the Brasspounders Award and Mike Wood, VE1MAW take the under 5 year Award.
The Repeater Group reports NO RESPONSE from Palomar re the repeater problems.
We again draw a blank as to April and May’s activities, problems and successes.
Mid‑year 1995, June 05, 16 members present, cash of $1,679.56, having made $392.50 on a May auction. Phase 3 under consideration, NSARA offering 50 cents on the dollar. BIG PROBLEM just what we needed. Federal Government changes will now force the Club to vacate and move everything from the EMO Headquarters in the Post Office Building.
We just got our ever roaming repeater off the road and in a state of semi‑tranquillity. and now the main meeting, storage/clubroom has to hit the road.
A glimmer of hope thanks to George, VE1GMG and Steve, VE1XBC; we may be able to get space on the lower floor of the Kentville Town Hall, possibly by September.
Field Day is a NO GO this year. June 17 is Picnic time.
Parrsboro repeater has come on stream at 145.470 plus.
IPARN available June 12 at a cost of $36.00 per year.
KCARC 2 Meter net will not operate in July and August.
Equestrian events are scheduled for July 23,September 03 and 10. Special dinner meeting planned for October meeting.
EMERGENCY / EMERGENCY, not only did we lose our meeting place in June but, also according to the emergency meeting held August 17, 1995, our repeater is adrift and ON THE ROAD AGAIN. It has been learned; that pending financial actions against the owners of the property we are renting from; will cause the Club to vacate the site.
Moved by Ron,VE1MRB, seconded by Steve, VE1XBC that all the Clubs assets, building, tower and all of the equipment on site be removed. Motion carried. Moved by Phil, VE1WT (VE1CFQ), seconded by John, VE1ATT; that Fishers dismantle and remove the tower per their quote of $1,070.00. Motion carried. John, VE1ATT has identified and described a number of possibilities for a new site. This sure is one difficult repeater to anchor down and put to rest.
Moved by Ralph, VE1SIM, seconded by George, VE1GMG and carried. Repeater to be set up temporarily at the QTH of Ron, VE1MRB, with compensation, re power and the duplex phone patch. The move from EMO HQ saw the Club recover 500 feet of coax.
Steve, VE1XBC, was reimbursed for a 60 amp battery charger acquired for the Club.
It appears, not only has the meeting place and repeater site evaporated but; also whatever took place in September and October of 1995.
The date of November 06, 1995 finds 19 members gathered at the Kentville Town Hall Building.
We learn that the October dinner was a success, thanks to Lysle, VE1BZE for his efforts.
JOTA recorded as another successful endeavour, special thanks to Dave, VE1DAM and his wife Carol for meals and support. Cyril Davies made a $150.00 donation to the Club.
Moved, seconded, carried that Phase 3 be completed. Steve, VE1XBC to purchase a 9600 baud TNC and to be reimbursed by the Club. Club agrees to participate in next summer’s GOTA, July 13‑25, 1996. John, VE1ATT reported on efforts to find a suitable site in Glenmont, on the Brow Mountain Road. A motion was voted on and carried to negotiate the purchase of the said property from Reginald Kane, $7,000.00. A new Basic Course is proposed. Club meets again at the Kentville Town Hall on December 04, 1995. Phase 3 is now completed with the purchase of a Kenwood 440. Bob, VE1RHT volunteers to head up a Fund Raising Committee.
A report on the Davison Street and Canaan sites was given by Brian, VE1BNO.
The Canaan Mountain site would appear to be the better choice. John, VE1ATT, did an update on the Kane property and costs. A three months trial period for Canaan was approved on a motion by Brian,VE1BNO, and seconded by Ralph, VE1SIM and carried.
It was moved by John, VE1ATT, seconded by Dave, VE1GLS and carried; that the Site Committee submit an offer re the Brow Mountain site. Offer to be submitted January 01, 1996, subject to Club approval and financing.
Old man weather and conditions cancelled the January, 1996 meeting. The Kentville Town Hall room sees the February 05, 1996 meeting taking place. A packet system upgrade will be done to allow 9600 Baud backbone access with the Club’s new radio. A proposal for a new dual band antenna was deferred until further information and details could be obtained. A motion moved, seconded and carried to move the autopatch to Canaan Mountain as soon as possible. A motion to sell by reserve bid the surplus Isopole antenna; was duly seconded and carried. Proceeds of sale to be applied to the phone patch installation.
The new club executive consists of the following:
President John Bickerton, VE1ATT
Vice‑President Rick Jones, VE1AMI
Secretary Lysle Anderson, VE1BZE
Treasurer Ron Blakie, VE1MRB
Ron, VE1MRB to remain as NSARA representative.
We have an update re property. An offer to purchase has been made, accepted for closing April 01,1996, letter of intent and ability to pay by February 28, 1996. The total cost will be $8,900.00. Safeguards built in to allow the Club to withdraw from the deal. Science Fair judges are to be Layton, VE1MT and Harold, VE1AQP.
The Club is never without a problem or two, and the March 05,1996 meeting would seem to indicate not much change in the status‑quo. It is learned that the Davison site is not available. Capacitor cans on the duplexers need to be replaced, re‑installed and tuned.
Phase 111‑Project‑Packet Antenna needs repairs and or replacement. It was decided to determine the exact (if possible) problem.
New cans could cost $1,294.55 for Sinclair C 2037 Multi-couplers. At Canaan site we have link frequency and power problems. We learn from John, VE1ATT; that grant monies from EMO cannot be used for the purchase of land. The County and EMO are interested in our efforts to obtain a permanent repeater site.
Reverse autopatch and autodial now available. A Flea Market set for June 02, or 09 at Sobeys per Bob,VE1RHT. George, VE1NK to be auditor. A discussion re member protocol and operating standards was held.
The April 02, 1996 meeting brings some solutions, the duplexer capacitors have been received and are ready for installation and to be re‑tuned, repeater will be off line during this process.
Isopole to be installed as a packet antenna, subject to a new bracket being constructed.
The Brow Mountain property becoming a distinct possibility. Bob, VE1RHT busy re the Flea Market. Brian, VE1BNO working on a club data base, members will be required to complete a questionnaire. EMO reports by Layton, VE1MT and Brian, VE1BNO. The Science Fair winners are: Heather Cameron and Natasha Garnet. The following are Committees and their chairs:
Activities and Events, EMO, Repeater, Education, John, VE1ATT
Club Room, Club Station, Education Code, Rick,VE1AMI
Nominating, Publicity, Special Projects, Lysle,VE1BZE
The 2 Meter net needs volunteer controllers.
Equestrian events coming up July 21, Atlantic Regional, Medford Meadows, Aug. 10, Nationals, Medford Meadows.
Concerns expressed over power bills as Kentville sells their Power Commission. Also concern as to where to store the tower and shed. George, VE1NK to be RAC agent.
The repeater is on the move again, must be a Nomadic type.
It is May, 1996. Lorne, VE1BXK has successfully repaired the duplexers. Steve, VE1XBC and Dave, VE1GLS installed the Isopole, ran some tests and evaluation procedures, removed the Isopole and re‑installed the dipole. Repeater now is operating from the residence of Harold, VE1AFR on the valley floor. Club members are busy removing equipment from Canaan and endeavouring to get some systems up and running.
A special meeting May 02, 1996 advised Club members that because of repeater problems at Canaan site, the Police and Fire Departments want our equipment removed. The County, through Motorola has completed some testing re the Brow Mountain site and has obtained favourable results.
June 03, 1996 sees the Club and the County negotiating re the purchase of the Brow Mountain property, a number of mutual agreements have to be arranged:
- KCARC to provide EMO Communications for the County upon request.
- County to have right to relocate their UHF repeater to site and operate from there subject to a monthly charge.
- KCARC to accept liability for tower and property.
The Club is to assist in clearing the survey lines, roadway and preparing the building and tower sites. Information available indicates if a 26 foot separation between UHF antennas is maintained there should be no problems. Proper motions were moved, seconded and voted on successfully.
The September 09,1996 reports John, VE1ATT working on the Club’s database. Rick, VE1AMI gathering information on safety harnesses. The Brow Mountain property has been purchased by the County per the mutual agreement pact Driveway and site preparations are underway. Tower sections will require painting, work party volunteers needed.
Equestrian events to come and a Club dinner proposed. The fall month of October arrives, meeting of October,07 1996 shows new power poles being installed at Brow Mountain site, excavations completed and cement being poured. The driveway had to be rebuilt due to damage by cement trucks. New tower sections have been painted and moved on site. Building has been set on the new foundation; but requires further work. New guy wires for tower approved, new equipment racks installed by VE1XBC, VE1DAN, VE1GLS, VE1ATT. Wiring and testing to be completed later. Fund raising proposals planned, leases and insurance of 2M being negotiated. Work party volunteers still needed.
November, 1996 a busy month. Club has obtained 1100 feet of guy wire for the tower.
Club has secured a loan of $10,000.00, insurance for 2M for liability, and working on the fire and theft angles. JOTA as reported by Buzz, KI6SO/VE1, was a success.
Repeater site report informs the members that; hydro pole in place, electrical inspection to follow, tower to go up, telephone line to be on site, and the building repairs are nearly complete. Work parties required for: brush removal and burning, installation of a temporary outhouse (is this due to the nomadic nature of the repeater?). Removal of TV tower and antenna at QTH of Harold, VE1AFR. Transportation of tower to QTH of John, VE1ATT; mounting plate to the new site and storage of the Isopole.
The December 02, 1996 meeting reports equipment installed and energized, there is some desense and duplexer tweeking or a need for new duplexers. Repairs and adjustments are on going. GOTA looking for volunteer stations.
The minutes for January 1997 must have taken a walk, so we drop into February, 1997 on the third day of the month.
A regular meeting at the Town of Kentville Office Building. Club agrees to an exchange of a 4 can multiplexer and a single reject can for our old duplexer unit, subject to a test period. The Club agrees to acquire a 150 Amp power supply from Burt, VE1AMA. Ann Veale has approved the Club obtaining and using the late Wes Veale’s call VE1LD as a club call, pending Industry Canada approval.
The new executive consists of the following:
President John Bickerton VE1ATT
Vice‑President Rick Jones VE1AMI
Secretary Lysle Anderson VE1BZE
Treasurer Ron Blakie VE1MRB
NSARA reps to be John, VE1ATT or Dave, VE1GLS.
The Club initiates a five year dues plan payable over a three month period, $105.00 single, $175.00 family. Club agreed to a three month trial participation into a Lunenburg County Net, via the VE1LUN link. Dave, VE1GLS updated membership on the required and proper procedures.
March 03, 1996 finds the Club meeting in a new place. Building 24, Kentville Research Station. The following were welcomed by the Club President: Bill Porter, VE1AGP; Linda Jones, VE1TDF; Reg Harrison, VE1XMV; Phil Hopkins, VE1PFH and John Veinot, VE1JBV.
The Club’s six can duplexer was returned to service on February 19th and the meeting voted, that it be maintained in service and the four can set be retained as a reserve unit.
Dave, VE1GLS, discussed the VHF and UHF links such as VE1LUN and the fact that our repeater had been for some time linked with Moncton, said linking took place without the knowledge and permission of the KCARC membership.
GOTA went well per report by Lysle, VE1BZE, thanks to Phil, VE1WT for providing the HF unit. Lloyd Watton, VE1VEI, was this years winner of the Brasspounders Award.
Alan Bishop, VE1MDD, gave an interesting presentation on his recent sailing trip across the Atlantic from Nova Scotia to Ireland. The minutes for April 07, 1997 are unavailable.
A number of housekeeping items on the agenda. The Club will host the NSARA Hamfest. May 15, 1997 finds members back at Town Hall. A new loan repayment schedule to be arranged with the Bank. Science Fair prize to be a trophy rather than cash. New operators are Alan Andersen and Gary Daniel. The repeater site needs a work party to clear brush, south side of the road and finish ends of the culvert. Repeater building may require heating and ventilating modes to reduce winter time costs. George, VE1NK and volunteers organizing to sponsor the NSARA Hamfest.
Discussion held re MAVCOM linking system. Club will not do a Field Day; but will support the efforts of Lloyd, VE1VEI and others. Controllers on the 2 Meter net to use the Club call VE1LD. Bob, VE1RHT updating plans for a yard sale June 01.
June 09,1997 sees the membership planning for NSARA Hamfest, looking at bank loan proposals and striving to finish some things at the repeater site. Completion of the driveway a must, culvert must be down, building needs weather proofing and ventilation as well as an outside light. It would appear that we are fully occupied with chores. Brian, VE1BNO and family are moving to Texas, USA. They will be missed. Equestrian events are scheduled.
Summer Is Almost Gone as goes the song and September 08, 1997, finds 15 members at the clubroom, Kentville Town Hall for a meeting, and what do they learn. Well for one thing the loan is down to $2,500.00, repeater site is getting cleaned by removing the piles of soil and stumps. The driveway is getting a coat of Class A gravel. An agreement to purchase a deep cycle battery. A gate is to be installed across the driveway, thanks to Donnie, VE1DRS, George, VE1GMG for their efforts. Changes and improvements to antennas and repeater have shown improvements. Path to airport link is solid, Cowie Hill link is a disappointment. Thanks to all for their efforts. Ted, VE1DRG appointed VE1AEH SYSOP, Kurt, VE1TT appointed VE1AEH technician.
The NSARA picnic, not well attended; but a success, thanks again to George, VE1NK.
The three equestrian events, Medford Meadows, Applewood Farms and Hobby Horse Farms were handled successfully, thanks to the participants.
Frank, VE1GG has agreed to act as First EMO Contact Person. County is considering training sessions for EMO operators.
Mike Taylor, son of VE1RHT has successfully passed his radio tests and has received the call VE1MIT.
October 1997, on going projects updated, two batteries for back‑up. Plans for a table at Greenwood Flea Market, Club banquet October 10, Coldbrook.
Building 24, Kentville Research Station hosts 21 members for the November 03, 1997 meeting. JOTA report given by Lysle, VE1BZE, good openings on 15, 17 and 20 meters. Operators were Lysle, VE1BZE, John, VE1ATT; Phil, VE1WT and Dave, VE1DAM.
The County having made a number of successful tests are considering placing equipment on our site to provide communications for their vehicles. Various club members spoke on the following HF activities:
Frequencies/Bands Lysle VE1BZE
Phone/CW Rick VE1AMI
Traffic Handling Fred VE1FHB
Antennas Kurt VE1TT
Operating Procedures Layton VE1MT
Open Shack Night John VE1ATT
The fall of 1997 and the month of Novmber finds the Club with repeater site clean‑up still underway.
A number of members participated in a recent VE6, CW Contest. A number of members indicated their shacks would be available for “Open Shack” visitations. The local Club and the Greenwood Club holding discussions re 220 MHZ link and use by their members of our speed dial autopatch by GARC members. KCARC decided to up‑grade their Private Patch 5 to provide extra speed dial numbers, and to subscribe to the Community Access Long Distance Package. GARC members to be assigned speed dial numbers upon becoming “Friends of AEH” at a cost of 50% of present AEH dues, namely $15.00.
Changes to the rules re Brass Pounders Award are proposed.
Ralph,VE1SIM; Layton, VE1MT; John, VE1ATT to be a Nominating Committee.
The December 1997 minutes must have gone down the chimney with Santa and back up as none were found.
A new year, 1998 minutes not found; but meeting agenda indicates, that Call Books as ordered are available. The Patch V upgrade requires further study. Power supply changes are needed. The recent ice storm has raised some concerns re the present system. From the proposed agenda for the February 02, 1998 meeting, we find the company “Palomar” that supplied our controller is out of business. ARE WE DEAD IN THE WATER?
The 220 link installed on site, antenna and coax to follow. Interference, “Kerchunking” continues to be a problem. Gel cells reconnected for back- up pending a new power supply and battery back‑up.
Linda, VE1TDF and Bonnie, VE1YKB heading up a bake sale.
The March, 1998 minutes being scarce, we learn from a proposed agenda that Phone Patch changes are ongoing. The 220 Link being tested and adjusted. Fund raising to be discussed, also trophies and a spring supper meet.
The April minutes are also astray and the agenda indicates that many of the same items are still work in progress.
Discussion on plans for a Field Day and a Club Room. We note from the agenda for the May 04, 1998 meeting; that the status quo remains much the same. And the same is true for June as per the proposed agenda. Sunday evening 2 Meter Net requires controllers.
The September 14,1998 meeting finds the membership looking to reports on Repeater Site finances, Field Day, Equestrian Events, NSARA Picnic, EMO, clubroom. Proposed course for September start‑up.
JOTA to be held at Sunken Lake on October 17, 1998. A report was given on an Emergency Mobile Repeater.
Well!! “HELLO”. We have minutes for the October 03, 1998 meeting, Building 43, Kentville Research Station. The small number of nine members were in attendance. Gate(s) required for the repeater site, power supply to be activated soon. Phil, VE1PFH reported on an EMO meeting attended by he and John, VE1ATT. The November 02, 1998 with 18 members present finds everyone at Building 43 again. Thanks again to Dave, VE1DAM and his wife for the provisions re JOTA, which was a success. What would JOTA be without Dave and Carol.
Site still needs work and work parties, re the emergency power equipment.
The Municipality’s radio equipment has been installed in our building, antenna on the tower, all working properly. Greenwood link still has a problem. Greenwood Flea Market yields the Club $222.17, and that amount plus donations of $25.83 for a total of $248.00 was approved to be applied to the loan. Banquet was successful as usual, Andrew, VE1EX, Phyllis, VE1PPR, John, VE1ATT will form a nominating committee.
A new year, January 04, 1999, sixteen members in Building 43, Kentville Research Station for a meeting. Repeater site has been winterized. The bake sale held recently earned $109.35.
The Brasspounders Award rules for scoring to read: Number of contacts, multiplied by the number of countries, and participants to count each other only once on each band.
Volunteers for this years GOTA: VE1ATT, VE1BIN, VE1AMI, VE1EX and VE1MT.
The February 01, 1999 meeting has 19 members in attendance. The Club welcomed Paul Cowan, VE1PMC, Nathan Cowan, VE1NJC. Kurt, VE1TT introduced course students, Peter Clark and Darrell and Myrtle Richards who have not received calls as yet. In all six students were successful in the course just completed. Battery back‑up has been installed at the site and it will service the Packet system also. The packet radio and TNC has been temporarily replaced by a loaner unit, compliments of Ted, VE1DRG. Our antenna system and radio had suffered water damage. Lorne, VE1BXK has agreed to undertake the necessary repairs. Moe, VE1AEM has agreed to operate EMO equipment at County Office Radio Room.
The search for a permanent club room is still an on going project. The EMO Readiness Plan report to be completed by April, 1999, followed by an organizational chart and duty roster.
Discuss held re an HF contest with a certificate and trophy. The new officers are:
President John VE1ATT
Vice‑President Phil VE1PFH
Treasurer Eric VE1BBA
Secretary Lysle VE1BZE
Club voted and approved a motion to apply for RAC affiliation. Lorne, VE1BXK has asked that all BBS bulletin forwarding be restricted to the hours of 0100‑0600 daily to prevent overuse during daylight hours. An EMO message handling course for March 06, conducted by Al Penny, VE1NO.
The spring month of April, 05,1999, finds 20 members at Building 43, discussing many of the same items of previous months. Repeater needs hardline on the tower to get the LAN up and running. Gate project still ongoing. Clubroom project not meeting with any degree of success and completion. Brasspounders Award won by Kurt, VE1TT. EMO meeting scheduled for April 07, equestrian event, Medford Meadows, Sunday, August 01, 1999. Plans for HF activities being formulated per VE1MT. Charter Night in the works and autopatch programming for speed dialing to be done locally by Lysle, VE1BZE and John, VE1ATT.
Dave, VE1GLS suggests; that the Club investigate the practical aspects of joining the MAVCOM system.
May 03, 1999, Building 43 and 12 members, guest Michael Taylor. The LAN hardline has been installed, the packet radio tested by Lorne, VE1BXK. MAVCOM an ongoing debate.
The good number of 22 members gather for the June 07,1999 meeting, Building 43. A donation of $49.00 made to CNIB.
Thanks received from the Red Cross re the Club members support in the Kosovo Refugee effort.
Fall has arrived, Building 43 sees a gathering of 17 members. Field Day a success as per a report by Layton, VE1MT. Dave, VE1GLS reports necessary boards ordered and when received will be installed, integrated into the repeater and perform linking functions and we will have MAVCOM. Thanks to all who helped in the three equestrian events this past summer.
Phil, VE1PFH to take on the KCARC, EMO responsibilities. Frank, VE1GG to be Club contact for emergencies.
Moe, VE1AEM to do a message handling course. Club plans for two tables at the Greenwood Flea Market. A course is planned subject to interest and need, and a fall banquet is in the works. JOTA information is incomplete at present.
October 04, 1999 has the Club approve a line of credit for $1,000.00, fall banquet in final stages of preparation. JOTA, October16, noon to midnight, Lakeville Hall.
Daryl, VE1DWG in charge of fund raising, Public Auction, November 13, a Saturday, South Alton Hall. The Sunday evening 2 Meter Net needs net controllers. Burt, VE1AMA gave a talk and presentation on Packet Operator Instructions.
What did 19 members learn at the November 01,1999 meeting? Well! They learned that the Club realized $200.00 from the Greenwood Flea Market, we could have a sale for the photo‑copier. The Club banquet was a success as per the report given by Bruce, VE1II. The new Nominating Committee to be John, VE1ATT and Phyllis, VE1PPR.
The 24 members present for the December 06, 1999 meeting approved a motion to pay off the Club’s loan. Daryl, VE1DWG agrees to head up a Fund Raising Committee if there are two other volunteers. Mike Evans, VE1VV of the Canning Volunteer Fire Department, gave a talk on the reasons why his Department was seeking permission to test, and if such tests were successful, to establish their radio equipment on our site. The Club approved a motion to allow the CVFD to proceed with testing.
Mike Ennis of Emergency and Protective Services for the County of Kings introduced himself and spoke re the good working relations the Club maintains with the County ofKings. A Y2K net to operate December 31, 1930 hours local. Daryl, VE1DWG auctioned off the remaining gift certificates left from the Public Auction in November.
A report to the 14 members at the January 10, 2000 meeting informs the membership; that tests on behalf of the CVFD have gone well. Most of the results were positive, butmarginal in the Long Beach and Stuart Hollow Road areas.
The Club approved a motion, KCARC agrees in principle with the request by CVFD to move their VHF repeater to our site. The said move to be subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated.
The repeater worked well in the Y2K readiness net on December 31, 1999. MACOM has problems and we are looking to a March 2000 date for it to be on line.
A Web Page is nearly complete, thanks to John, VE1ATT.
Another year, an Annual General Meeting, February 07,2000. The meeting has 13 members present. On going discussions with CVFD, Brasspounders underway, VE1DAD, VE1MAW,VE1WT, VE1MT,VE1KOT,VE1NK,VE1TT,VE1EX all active and on the air waves. EMO Committee active and achieving some success with its agenda.
After due process the following became officers for the coming year.
President John VE1ATT
Vice‑President Phil VE1PFH
Treasurer Eric VE1BBA
Secretary Lysle VE1BZE
The 2 Meter Net will continue in the present format.
Art, VE1ASK (VE1ART) has passed Basic plus 5 wpm. The Club welcomes Colin Murray, VE1CSM to its March 06, 2000 meeting, with a total of 20 members present. Jeff Best has passed his Basic and is awaiting his call sign. Phyllis, VE1PPR has her 5 wpm endorsement.
Communications were provided to the Hants Club re the Dog Sled Races held at Martock Cross Country Ski Club on March 04. Brasspounders Award goes to Dave, VE1DAD this year.
A proposal by Father Bill Lonc, VE1SMU to establish a beacon at our repeater site was deferred for the present.
The spring meeting of April was a busy one. On April 03, 2000; 17 members gather to hear Father Lonc give a presentation on his project for low power beacons and possible installation at our site. Due to space limitations, the Club decided to pass on the matter at this time.
Burt, VE1AMA gave the second part of his Packet presentation.
A special meeting April 17,2000 was called to consider the proposed agreement with the Canning Volunteer Fire Department.
It was decided that the KCARC executive would review the final agreement re the changes as proposed by CVFD (if any) and finalize the agreement.
The month of May 2000; has 16 members vote on and pass a motion: That the recently ratified agreement by the Canning Volunteer Fire Department be formerly accepted by KCARC.
Club plans to have a table at the Halifax Flea Market and the Field Day plans are in progress.
Mike Innis, Municipal EMO Co‑ordinator and Keith Crosland, EMO (NS), Western Zone Controller were welcomed as guests.
Dave, VE1GLS reports that the MAVCOM system is working and some adjustments will be made to the audio. Field Day dates are to be June 24 and 25. EMO tabletop exercise scheduled for June 23 and a live exercise at a later date.
Moe, VE1AEM gave a talk and presentation on the present EMO message form, completion, handling and situations for its use.
Darrell, VE1DWG discusses fund raising with 13 members at the September 11, 2000 meeting. He outlined the various legal requirements concerning, lottery, ticket sales etc.
There were three successful equestrian events over the summer, thanks again to the volunteers.
A motion was duly moved, seconded and carried: that KCARC establish its own Packet Radio BBS, using the call sign VE1LD. Costs and other details to be determined by the executive and a committee. A report is to be made back to the Club before activation.
The Club is in the lottery business as reported by Darrell, VE1DWG and his fund raisers. They have set up a lottery ticket sale and draw for a meat order. The Club voted to proceed with the scheme. A new generator is proposed for installation at the repeater site. This will require a transfer panel and auto‑start set up system for power failure needs.Club banquet proposed, George, VE1NK to be CNIB board liaison officer. Repeater Committee needs a new chairperson as Dave, VE1GLS wishes to be relieved of his duties.
Fund raising an ongoing project as reported by the November 06, 2000 meeting with 13 present. A collection was taken for CNIB Amateur Radio Program. The repeater site needs winterizing. JOTA was held at West Hants Fall Camp, Blomidon Park, October 21 and 22. Club participation was restricted to Saturday afternoon and night, due to prior commitments.
Peter, VE1BHH; Ken,VE1SG; and Derek, VE1FLY are to be the Nominating Committee for the Annual Meeting in February 2001. The final month of the year 2000 finds us short minutes for the meeting; but from an Agenda prepared, we note; Club Crests are once again up for discussion, battery for the repeater site, and proper use of the repeater. Peter, VE1BHH is to be the guest speaker.
The first instalment of the History of the KCARC made mention of the fact that the Club has a well travelled repeater. The repeater could never seem to find a permanent home.
Considerable conversation has developed around said repeater and its operations.
We shall add to that by devoting a separate chapter to the “Repeater” and 2 Meters.
The minutes of April, 09, 1970 show discussion on 2 Meter gear. There must have been some activity in the area.
The writer recalls, Harry Bath, VE1MA; Wilf Harvey, VE1AAQ; Ed Linard, VE1ZL, (VE1GD); of the original Valley Club, (Annapolis to Windsor) with equipment, and onoccasions making contacts into New Brunswick; St. John, St. Stephen, areas (Burns Getchell, VE1CL), back in 1960‑62.
Stan Godfrey, VE1WW, recalls the Halifax Club having a Sunday night Call In on 2 Meters. He mentions a regular pilgrimage to Blomidon Lookoff on Sunday evenings to check into this Net. The Halifax Club was interested in sampling the coverage obtained by their existing repeaters.
The call sign VE1AEH was issued to Darrell Ward, VE1ALQ, sometime in 1968‑1969.
Stan was issued VE1BO in 1974 for his repeater at Bridgetown; operating a GE receiver, a Marconi transmitter, using home made cavities from some irrigation pipe, built by Oakley Peck, VE1UC. At the best of times 80 persons were using Stan’s repeater.
Mr. Peck eventually established a repeater in the Digby area, tower site at Victoria Beach, CBC tower, removed from there to Digby airport, 2000, and to RCMP tower at North Range in 2002. The early days had repeaters operating in Saint John and Sussex (AM).
The repeater we know as VE1AEH had to start operations sometime 1968‑1969. Stan, VE1WW, recalls Darrel, VE1ALQ, doing the technical work, early equipment was Marconi or GE of the DT45 for receiver and DJ 86 for transmitter type. The cavities were built using large garbage cans, home‑brewed by Stan, VE1WW.
One or possibly the first site was on the property of a Bob Bishop, rented for $25.00 a month. A Mr. Smith built two home‑brew Ringo‑Rangers for use at site, one set by the eaves, the other offset on the peak of the building. Noise generated by this set up caused interference to the CTV commercial installation. This resulted in numerous shut downs.
Stan, VE1WW pushing for greater coverage acquired an unused or surplus antenna 20 feet long, with a 4 inch taper, a section of TV tower from Campbell Electric in Kentville, price $12.00. These acquisitions aided in the struggle for greater coverage.
Two hams in the Kentville area active on 2 Meters at this time were; Bob Farris, VE1ASL (SK), and Ken Hiltz, VE1SG.
The NSARA endeavoured to regulate the growth and use of repeaters, and as such they took the gear in the early 1970’s. There are people, who claim the early repeater operated on AM; but Stan recalls that this was not the case.
The TV interference at the early sites caused the property owners to sometimes PULL THE PLUG; downtime.
The minutes of March 22,1977 record discussion re the leasing of a site; therefore it can be assumed that a repeater must have been in some sort of operational mode.
Minutes, May 1977 has the Club acquiring a tower, some repeater hardware and a Net up and running by fall.
April,1978, purchased repeater equipment from the NSARA and did a frequency change.
The fall of 1979 more equipment changes also site and antenna. December 1987 has the repeater back at Blomidon using 50 Watt unit loaned by Bob Burns, VE1VCK, linking proposed. March, 1989 has a new repeater installed. December 1990 an auto‑patch up and running. October 1991, the purchase of a digipeater, and June 1992, sees more changes.
This writer will now pass the history to a document prepared by Layton Fulton, VE1MT as he traces the movement of the Club’s non‑permanent repeater. There have been many changes before coming to rest at the Glenmont Site.
Not having access to a complete record, this list is compiled from the memory of Layton Fulton, VE1MT. I am especially vague on some of the early dates. Most of the later dates can be verified; previous to 1986 things area bit “foggy” to say the least.
K.C.A.R.C. Repeater Locations
In 1977, (give or take a bit), VE1AEH Repeater was re‑installed after a long period of silence. The location was on the North side of the highway, on the third property East of the Look‑Off Canteen at Blomidon Mtn. The name of the original owner escapes me now. The property was eventually listed for sale and was purchased by a person from the USA. Eventually we were in a position where‑by we were forced to move due to planned changes on the property.
In 1986 we vacated the site at Blomidon and went to a site on Canaan Mtn; formerly used by the RCMP. As I remember we had an option to buy the facility; but due to our financial status at the time, we could not afford the up‑keep and liability insurance; even though we would have been able to acquire the facility at a “steal”! So, “on the move again.”
Some time in late 1986 or early 1987, we found ourselves again with a “Mobile Repeater”. This time AVR allowed us to erect a 40 ft. TV type tower at the CKWM FM site on Halls Harbour Mtn.. I am sure glad that their Chief Technician was a member of our club at that time and a great asset. This time; due to the quality of our equipment and the high‑intensity rf field present at the site. We experienced many problems and again found it necessary to move.
Later in 1987 we were able to make arrangements with Earl Sheffield Jr. who owned the property approximately 100 ft. West of the original site at Blomidon Mtn. We resided there until 1994 when that property was sold. Having to vacate the Sheffield site, we were able to negotiate a lease with the owner of the Look‑Off Camp Ground. We acquired a 100 ft. commercial tower and a metal building from an abandoned NSPC site in Kingston which we erected at the Look‑Off site in 1994. “Hey”, finally we have some permanency! Less than a year later we were shocked to find that the property on which we were located was going up for Sheriff’s Sale! (Away we go again).
It is now 1995. Due to the fact we had no where else to go, our President, Ron Blakie, allowed us to make a temporary installation at his home in Billtown. Not a real good location for a repeater; but the only one available at the time. In 1996 the Town of Kentville agreed to have us join the Police Dept and Fire Dept. at their site on Canaan Mtn which they now own. We were soon asked to vacate that site since we were thought to be interfering with the other services.This move took us to the QTH of Harold Robinson where we stayed until the present site at Glenmont was ready for us to move into.
Appendix A: Founding Club Members | |
John Andersen | VE1AGY (VE1JW) |
Joe Davidson | VE1AKV |
Robert Farris | VE1ASL (SK) |
Keith Mahar | VE1ANC |
Peter MacDonald | VE1AVC |
Ron MacDonald | VE1AVE |
Jim Pratt | VE1ASW |
Dick Pulsifer | VE1ASD |
Paul Robinson | VE1AVD |
Ed Smith | VE1ABT |
Brian Sutherland | VE1AVB (VE1AKU) |
Don Sutherland | VE1AKU (SK) |
Appendix B: Presidents 1969 – 2005 | ||
1969 – 1970 | Ed Smith | VE1ABT |
1970 – 1971 | Ken Carter | VE1APG (SK) |
1971 – 1974 | Harold Robinson | VE1AFR |
1974 – 1977 | John Andersen | VE1AGY (VE1JW) |
1977 – 1978 | Ken Stratton | VE1QP |
1978 – 1979 | Layton Fulton | VE1BEP (VE1MT) |
1979 – 1980 | Brian Garnett | VE1BNO |
1980 – 1981 | Norm Barton | VE1BZC |
1981 – 1982 | Gary Lloyd | VE1BZD |
1982 – 1984 | Wes Veale | VE1LD |
1984 – 1985 | Dave Morrison | VE1UJ |
1985 – 1986 | Lysle Anderson | VE1BZE |
1986 – 1988 | Moe Brehault | VE1AEM |
1988 – 1990 | Layton Fulton | VE1MT |
1990 – 1992 | Steve Boone | VE1XBC |
1992 – 1993 | Brian Garnett | VE1BNO |
1993 – 1994 | Brian Garnett | VE1BNO |
1994 – 1995 | Ron Blaikie | VE1MRB |
1995 – 1996 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
1997 – 1998 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
1998 – 1999 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
1999 – 2000 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
2000 – 2001 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
2001 – 2002 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
2002 – 2003 | Phil Hopkins | VE1PFH |
2003 – 2004 | Phil Hopkins | VE1PFH |
2004 – 2005 | John Bickerton | VE1ATT |
2005 – 2006 | H.A. David Morrison | VE1UJ |
Appendix C: Vice Presidents 1969 – 1992 | ||
1969 – 1970 | Jim Pratt | VE1ASW |
1970 – 1971 | John Andersen | VE1AGY (VE1JW) |
1971 – 1974 | Bob Farris | VE1ASL (SK) |
1974 – 1977 | Ken Stratton | VE1QP |
1977 – 1979 | Harold Robinson | VE1AFR |
1979 – 1980 | ||
1980 – 1981 | Brian Garnett | VE1BNO |
1981 – 1982 | Tom Allen | |
1982 – 1983 | ||
1983 – 1984 | ||
1984 – 1985 | ||
1985 – 1986 | ||
1986 – 1987 | John Andersen | VE1JW |
1987 – 1988 | Bob DeGrace | VE1BLH |
1988 – 1989 | Phil Long | VE1CFQ (VE1WT) |
1989 – 1990 | ||
1990 – 1991 | Ken Hiltz | VE1SG |
1991 – 1992 | ||
1992 – 1993 | Buzz Everett | KI6SO/VE1 (VE1BZ) |
Appendix D: Secretary-Treasurer and/or Secretary and Treasurer 1969 – 1992 | ||||
1969 – 1970 | Paul Robinson | VE1AVD | ||
1970 – 1971 | Peter Macdonald | VE1AVC | ||
Jim Pratt | VE1ASW | |||
1971 – 1971 | Sheila Pulsifer | VE1AGQ | ||
1972 | Martin Misner | VE1ARW | ||
1973 | Dick Pulsifer | VE1ASD | ||
1974 | Don Sutherland | VE1AKU (SK) | ||
1975 | Frank Redden | VE1BBU (VE1GG) | ||
1977 – 1979 | Peter Smale | VE1BBH | ||
1980 – 1981 | Paul Goulden | VE1CAD | ||
1981 – 1982 | Lysle Anderson | VE1BZE | ||
1982 – 1983 | ||||
1983 – 1984 | ||||
1984 – 1985 | ||||
1985 – 1986 | ||||
1986 – 1987 | Tom Allen | Ken Hiltz | VE1SG | |
1987 – 1988 | Lysle Anderson | VE1BZE | Ken Hiltz | VE1SG |
1988 – 1990 | Ed Eagles | VE1AGL | Norm Barton | VE1BZC |
1990 – 1991 | Ed Eagles | VE1AGL | George Brien | VE1NK |
1991 – 1992 | Lysle Anderson | VE1BZE | George Brien | VE1NK |
1992 – 1993 | Robert Selfridge | VE1RAD | George Brien | VE1NK |
Appendix E: Brass-Pounders Award Winners | ||
1975 | Frank Redden | VE1BBU (VE1GG) |
1976 | ||
1977 | Dave Harrison | VE1BBW |
1978 | ||
1979 | ||
1980 | ||
1981 | ||
1982 | Wes Veale | VE1LD |
1983 | Wes Veale | VE1LD |
1984 | Layton Fulton | VE1BEP (VE1MT) |
1985 | Layton Fulton | VE1BEP (VE1MT) |
1986 | Layton Fulton | VE1BEP (VE1MT) |
1987 | Phillip Long | CE1CDQ (VE1WT) |
1988 | Borden MacKenzie | VE1BE |
1989 | Phillip Long | VE1CFQ (VE1WT) |
1990 | Reg MacDonald | VE1RGM |
1991 | Phillip Long | VE1CFQ (VE1WT) |
1992 | Phillip Long | VE1CFQ (VE1WT) |
1993 | George Brien | VE1NK |
1994 | Mike Wood | VE1MAW |
1995 | George Brien | VE1NK |
1996 | Dave Crandall | VE1DAD |
1997 | Lloyd Watton | VE1VEI |
1998 | Mike Wood | VE1MAW |
1999 | Kurt Arseneault | VE1TT |
2000 | Dave Crandall | VE1DAD |
2001 | Phillip Long | VE1WT |
2002 | Andrew Bowlby | VE1EX |
2003 | Andrew Bowlby | VE1EX |
2004 | Hal Rodd | VE1LV |